Monday, August 22, 2016

AT&T to launch roaming access in Cuba

AT&T to launch roaming access in Cuba
Catching up with rivals, AT&T's agreement with local telecom ETECSA
should let customers connect easily while visiting the island.
by Joan E. Solsman

AT&T mobile customers visiting Cuba should be able to connect there more
easily, thanks to a roaming and interconnection deal with telecom
provider Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Cuba, known as ETECSA.

The company said Monday it would specify wireless roaming availability
and pricing there at a later date. Typically, deals like this make voice
calls cheaper to numbers in Cuba and would allow customers visiting the
island to access voice, text and data roaming without having to swap a
SIM card.

"Cuba is a growing international calling destination for our customers,"
Bill Hague, AT&T's executive vice president of global connection
management, said in a release. US President Barack Obama restored the
country's diplomatic relations with Cuba last year, easing travel to and
from the country after more than 50 years of estrangement.

Competitors Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile have similar deals in Cuba.

Source: AT&T to launch roaming access in Cuba - CNET -

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